5 January 2015

Two-thousand and fifteen

2015 - a new year, a new me? I think not. We constantly look at ways of self-improvement: I’ll lose 2 stone, not eat chocolate, read more, care less, travel, accept things, get a new job, get good grades etc etc. All of these are things that I could do, and things that over time I may do. But why should a new year spark all of these things? Why does the fresh page of a diary hold more potential than its preceding 365 days and the immeasurable infinity of days ahead?

Every moment holds a new potential if you allow it to. And yes, I am suddenly feeling optimistic and this could just be another pepped up moment fuelled by inspiring lyrics and the lackluster life that I currently lead.

But there I go again. It’s like we beat ourselves up every January because of all the things we ‘failed’ at, or the dreams we ‘chose’ not to make reality. But then we beat ourselves up again months later when these often unattainable goals don’t come to fruition.

It’s almost as if we allow ourselves to get caught in the cycle of self-disappointment and disapproval. Yes, trying doesn’t always make ‘it’ happen, but it does make things happen. Every step you take you get closer to where you want to be. You don’t need to wait for a new year, month, week or even day. Sometimes it just takes an hour to change the course of things forever.

And look at that, Jemma is getting all preachy again. My bad...

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