31 January 2017

b e t t e r

I have never felt so empowered. I know that I have entire world at my feet, and for the first time, I am not scared. I'm excited. I've waited so long to feel like this it's ridiculous. But I wouldn't actually change a single step that I have taken, whether that is forward or backwards. That's because every single step that I've taken has led me to today, right here and now.

Within a week everything has changed. I love myself, and everything that I am. I love myself and I know that other people love me just as much. It all just seems like a bit of a blur, but this past week has let me see that there is always hope, and there is always someone that cares. I was only ever as alone as I let myself feel, I've never really been alone at all.

So as chapters close, new pages are turned, and they're filled with endless possibilities, dreams, ambitions. I love myself, I completely and utterly love myself. I am so different, but yet still so the same. People say they don't see me for anything other than who I really am, and whilst I used to think they were lying I think I believe them now.

Someone said last week that kids can be cruel, and they were so right. I've been haunted by the things that children once said to me, and I used to think that they had stolen so many chances and opportunities away from me. But really they've taught me lessons that I may never have ever learned without them. So whilst I could never, ever, say thank you or forget what they once said, I can thank them for teaching me the real value of love, and the value of having people in your life who wish nothing but the best for you. They taught me that I have the courage to overcome anything, and come back stronger and better than ever before. They have taught me that I can do one of two things: I could use my past to make me bitter, or use it to make me better.

I'll forever choose better.

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