13 December 2018

the woman

The girl in this photo is brave. She is sassy and funny, and just wonderful. She is everything that I want to be again, She is everything I am working so hard to be again. Sometimes to move forward you have to look backwards; you have to look at the people that you have been and take everything you have ever loved about yourself in its most purest form and channel it in to your future. 

That means that you have to let go too. You have to say goodbye to the things that have held you down for so many years - look back at the things that have caused you pain, worry, and stress. You have to make the choice and have faith in it. Just because something was right for you, doesn't mean that it always will be; sometimes letting go is the right thing to do. That doesn't mean that it was never right, it just means that you're changing and growing. You can still cherish the good memories, and learn from the bad. But at the end of the day, you are the only constant in your life. This life we live is too short for regrets, too short for negativity, and too short to not put yourself first.

The woman I am becoming is sassy and funny, and just wonderful. I have changed over the past few years; I am blossoming in to a woman that the little girl in the photo would look up to and be proud of. Yesterday's me is proud of me today, and tomorrow's will be even more proud. With each day that goes by I am continuing to struggle, but I am grateful for the lessons that it is teaching me. I am winning every battle that I fight, and with that, ultimately I am winning my war.  

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