10 July 2017

being selfish does not make you a selfish person

Ok, ok, so I'm feeling really deep this week. But you know when you're just thinking about how far you have come as a person and you just feel like you want to document how good you feel about yourself for the times when you need a bit of a pep talk. Future Jemma, this is your pep talk, listen up gal...

You know when you were in school and you were so unhappy that you actually didn't see, nor did you want a future. Aren't you glad that you didn't give up - because 23 y/o me sure is. And when you were doing your alevels and were too scared to try because you were scared to fail? Well the moment you got over that fear, you aced it. When you were at uni you couldn't see yourself in a job, you thought you'd never walk in to an interview and do it without tripping over your words. Well girl, you thrive in interview now. You literally love the chance to talk to new people, and you love the challenge of thinking on your feet.

You're the person that you would have envied as a teenager; someone with drive and passion, and everything that you were always too scared to have. Fear doesn't define you, and it should not restrict you. It should push you forward, and make you want things like you never realised you did before.

This year you put yourself first, you chose your own happiness above the happiness of others; yet you still have the compassionate soul you've always had. You let friendships grow with the people that deserved you, and said goodbye to those who dulled your spirit. You have loved people, and felt their love and pride for you. Your confidence has grown beyond recognition, your strength and resilience is like nothing you could have imagined.

So, Jemma. Whenever you feel like you're not achieving your dreams, or like you're not strong enough to make changes in your life. Just remember this:

You are your own hero. You are a warrior. 

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