9 July 2017

sometimes timing is everything

On Tuesday I leave my job, and it feels like the right time. I've loved working there, and I've learned so much, but it definitely feels like it's my time to start something new. Over the past year I've come to notice the subtle hints that the universe tells us. I guess you could say that I've become somewhat more 'in-tune'.

If you read some of my older posts, you'll see just how scared of change I have been. Every milestone of change that I faced has terrified me. But over the last year, thanks to a few people in my life, I've realised that whilst some things change I have the choice in what parts of change can stay the same.

A few days ago one of my best friends told me how proud she was of me for not staying in my current job just because it was easy. She's known me for a long time, and has really seen me grow and develop, and so it meant so much to hear. It got me thinking though; a few years ago I would not have put myself first and made choices to improve myself. If I was the girl that I was, even two years ago, then I would take the easy option simply because I was too scared to try something new. I guess I didn't have the confidence, self-belief, and ultimately the self-worth to challenge myself.

New beginnings used to scare me more than I could ever put in to words. But leaving my current workplace, starting my new job, and living my life with a passion for success makes me so proud. Many, many, years ago someone told me to just carry on taking baby steps forward and before I know it I'll look back and realise that I'm a completely different person with so much strength. She was right.

The pride I feel right now is just everything.

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